Breaking the NIMBY Feedback Loop in Vermont
Stephen Slivinski and Yasmeen Kallash-Kyler
Trump’s Tariff Walkback Bows to Economic Reality but Leaves Plenty of Problems
Alfredo Carrillo Obregon and Scott Lincicome
The FDA Finally Removes a Huge Barrier to an Effective Schizophrenia Medicine
Jeffrey A. Singer
Friday Feature: Education Collaboration Network
Colleen Hroncich Remote pandemic schooling wasn’t working for her second-grade daughter, so Rebecca Simmons decided it was a good time to start homeschooling.
The US Tax and Transfer System Has Become More Progressive
Jeffrey Miron and Jacob Winter
Evaluating PDUFA: Paying for FDA Drug-Application Reviewers by Charging User Fees
Michael F. Cannon A congressional staffer recently asked about the performance of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), including the Prescription Drug User
10 Reasons to Cut Corporate Welfare
Chris Edwards Congress should cut federal spending to reduce massive budget deficits. One target for reform should be business subsidies—often called corporate welfare—which
As the United States Cracks Down on Fentanyl Smuggling, New Drugs and Suppliers Emerge
Jeffrey A. Singer The Drug Enforcement Administration reported last year that its heroin seizures decreased by almost 70 percent, while its fentanyl seizures